*Edited! Sophia and Lelex13!*-SHOP APPROVAL-Before you make a shop, you must get it approved first. If you do not get your shop approved, it will be closed temporarily. It is also possible to have it closed forever and not be able to reopen it.
1. Solo, or partner? Once you choose, you have chosen. There is no going back:
2. If a mod or admin closes your shop and says that it cannot be reopened, do not whine or you might not be able to have a shop or you will be banned for a number of days:
3. If you are using websites with items that you did NOT make, what websites are they:
4. Do NOT use other peoples graphics WITHOUT permission.
5. If someone is rushing you or you have a problem, contact an administrator or mod. Or red flag it.
6. Please put rules in your shop. If you don't it could lead to fighting or being mean and someone could get banned.
7. Do NOT charge ANYTHING for your shop. Everything is free no matter what.
8. If the admin/mod hasn't written back within a week, please PM them that you are PMing another admin/mod and please feel free to PM one of us after you have canceled the application with the recent one.
9. Write "Ulovewebkinz" Before you fill out the form/rules in the PM.
Thank you. And Please follow!!
-Sophia, Lelex13, and Donutsandmilk.